Road Trips in Mexico

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What to do in Mexico?

Bordered by two oceans and the Caribbean Sea, Mexico is reputed for its heavenly beaches. But that’s not all: more than half of the territory is situated above 5,000 feet in altitude and offers mountain landscapes to die for. To travel to Mexico is also to discover its northern deserts, covered in cacti, or a south-east lush with tropical forests. Mexico City, the country`s capital, is one of the highest capitals in the world situated at more than 6,500 feet as well as one of the largest metropolises on Earth! So many experiences await you in this country: going for walks in tiny fishing ports bordering the ocean, or deep sea diving in some of the most beautiful reefs in the world. However, it isn’t only for the flora that you will be travelling to Mexico, but also for its unique culture. The country is steeped in archaeological ruins, such as the famous Chichen Itzà. The pre-Colombian era saw extraordinary civilizations flourish; and many locations in Mexico still hold remnants of the time period still exist all around … The Spanish settlers also left a sumptuous heritage: their baroque architecture has been well preserved in several towns… For all of these reasons, as well as its gastronomy, music and lovely climate all year around. Clearly, Mexico can't be beat!

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When to go in Mexico?

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